CSAC & School Events Calendar

Sunday, April 1, 2012

CSAC Budget Meeting: April 18

Your St. Agnes CSAC next meets at 7 PM, on Wednesday, April 18th. This is an important meeting and your opportunity to vote on CSAC's expenditures for this school year. As with all CSAC meetings, the entire Agenda will be posted within our site's "Key Documents" area for your review (free Google Docs account required), about 1 week in advance of this meeting.

The meeting starts at 7 PM, sharp, and will conclude by 9 PM. Free coffee available.

As always, we encourage all parent/guardians of St. Agnes students to attend this and every CSAC meeting. Check the site's archive (for October 2011) for all meeting dates or the live calendar for more information.


John McAteer
Chair, St. Agnes CSAC
Email: stagnescsac@tcdsb.org