CSAC & School Events Calendar

Friday, September 28, 2012

New CSAC Members and Next Meetings

The St. Agnes CSAC Member elections for the 2012/2013 school year were completed on Wednesday, September 26th, at the CSAC General Meeting. I'm pleased to advise that the CSAC Members and Executive have been elected and are as follows:

Chair: David Purves
Vice Chair: Michael Lio
Treasurer: Maria Aprile
Recording Secretary: Beverly Emer

School Representatives
Ellen MacGrath (Teacher)
John Shea (Principal)

Community Representatives
John McAteer
Mary Sue Nutson

Members at Large
Renu Bourne
Patrizia Hasou
Natasha Khazraie
Tina Martins
Tara McAteer
Rebecca Mullen

Anne-Marie O'Donnell
Rina Tucciarone

Please also note that the dates for the next two CSAC meetings have been confirmed. They will be on Tuesday October 23 and Tuesday, November 20. Each meeting will be in the school's library, starting at 6:30 PM and finishing by 9 PM. All parents/guardians of St. Agnes students are encouraged to attend any meeting they can. Free, on-site, child care is often made available during the meeting but please confirm this with the school office, during school hours, on the day of the meeting.

The November meeting is an important Budget meeting, where CSAC's expenditures will be planned for the coming school year, largely in response to the needs indicated by the school's teaching staff.

Best regards,

John McAteer
Chair, CSAC Nomination Committee