CSAC & School Events Calendar

Monday, January 9, 2012

Your CSAC Presents: Social Networking Safety (February 1st)

Date: Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Location: St. Agnes Catholic School, 280 Otonobee Ave.
Time: 7:00pm / Duration: 90min Plus Q&A
Cost: **FREE**, Refreshments will be offered
Guest Speaker: Paul Davis from socialnetworkingsafety.net

Topics: Facebook, cyber bullying, handheld devices, texting, legal matters, and a common sense approach to dealing with the technology your children have, or are asking you for!

This presentation is targeted for adults only. Your children (grade 4 onwards) will have an age appropriate presentation given to them during the school day.

Defining Message: The overall safety of your child online – and the impact on their future, on your family and your household.

We at St. Agnes Catholic School are making an all-out effort to invite as many parents as possible. So mark your calendar NOW and bring another parent with you! You’ll be glad you came and so will your child. See you then!

This workshop is funded by a grant from the Ministry of Education, and applied for by your St. Agnes Catholic School CSAC.

Since there is limited seating for this exceptional evening, your CSAC encourages parents to reserve a seat. Please reserve your seat by January 25th. To reserve a seat:

-          please call St. Agnes Catholic School, at 416-393-534, or
-          e-mail the St. Agnes CSAC, at tinamartins@rogers.com, or
-          return the form (e-mailed to you by St. Agnes and also saved on our site’s “St. Agnes CSAC Key Documents” area) to the school with your child.